Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Comic book alliteration - feel free to comment any I missed

  1. Amara Aquilla
  2. Archie Andrews
  3. Ava Ayala
  4. Balder the Brave
  5. Beast Boy
  6. Betsy Braddock
  7. Betty Brant
  8. Big Barda
  9. Billy Batson
  10. Black Beetle
  11. Black Bolt
  12. Blackagar Boltagon
  13. Blue Beetle
  14. Boston Brand
  15. Brian Braddock
  16. Brother Blood
  17. Bruce Banner
  18. Bucky Barnes
  19. Caped Crusader
  20. Captain Cold
  21. Carl "Crusher" Creel
  22. Cassandra Cain
  23. Crimson Commando
  24. Crimson Cowl
  25. Curt Connors
  26. Dana Drake
  27. Daredevil (technically one word, but I'm counting it anyway)
  28. Dilton Doiley
  29. Dinah Drake
  30. Doctor Doom
  31. Duella Dent
  32. Dum Dum Dugan
  33. Dynamic Duo
  34. Fantastic Four
  35. Freddy Freeman
  36. Frightful Four
  37. Gentleman Ghost
  38. Geraldine Grundy
  39. Gorgeous George
  40. Gorilla Grodd
  41. Green Goblin
  42. Greer Grant Nelson
  43. Guardians of the Galaxy
  44. Guy Gardner
  45. Harold "Happy" Hogan
  46. J. Jonah Jameson
  47. Jessica Jones
  48. J'onn J'onzz
  49. Jay Jameson
  50. Jellybean Jones
  51. John Jameson
  52. Jughead Jones
  53. Kamala Khan
  54. Karate Kid
  55. Kate Kane
  56. Kevin Keller
  57. Lana Lang
  58. Lena Luthor
  59. Lex Luthor
  60. Lightning Lad
  61. Lin Li
  62. Loki Laufeyson
  63. Lois Lane
  64. Lori Luthor
  65. Lucy Lane
  66. M'gann M'orzz
  67. Mad Mod
  68. Madame Masque
  69. Major Mapleleaf
  70. Malcolm Merlyn
  71. Michael "Man Mountain" Marko
  72. Mark Mardon
  73. Martian Mahunter
  74. Matt Murdock
  75. Mary Marvel
  76. Mass Master
  77. Max Mercury
  78. Max Modell
  79. Maximus the Mad
  80. Melinda May
  81. Miles Morales
  82. Mirror Master
  83. Miss Martian
  84. Mister Mxyzptlk
  85. Molten Man
  86. Monsieur Mallah
  87. Moose Mason
  88. Ms. Marvel
  89. Nick Nelson
  90. No-Name (of the Brood)
  91. Otto Octavius
  92. Peter Parker
  93. Pied Piper
  94. Power Pack
  95. Professor Pyg
  96. Quentin Quire
  97. Randy Robertson
  98. Red Robin
  99. Reed Richards
  100. Richard Rider
  101. Robert (Bob) Reynolds
  102. Robbie Robertson
  103. Rocket Racoon
  104. Ronnie Raymond
  105. Roxy Rocket
  106. Sabrina Spellman
  107. Scarlet Speedster
  108. Scarlet Spider
  109. Scott Summers
  110. Silas Stone
  111. Silk Spectre
  112. Silver Sable
  113. Silver Surfer
  114. Silvija Sabilnova
  115. Spider-Slayer
  116. Star Sapphire
  117. Stephen Strange
  118. Sue Storm
  119. Teen Titans
  120. Titans Tower
  121. Unus the Untouchable
  122. Vicki Vale
  123. Viv Vision
  124. Wade Wilson
  125. Waldo Weatherbee
  126. Wally West
  127. Wanda Wilson
  128. Warren Worthington (III)
  129. Weather Wizard
  130. Wonder Woman
  131. Zackary Zatara
  132. Zatanna Zatara

Honorable Mention:
  1. Daryl Dixon - despite being wildly popular, never made it to the comics
  2. Lionel Luthor - only in Smaville

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