Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Comic book characters in boxers 2

Prodigy (David Alleyne)

Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Iceman (Bobby Drake)

Iceman (Bobby Drake)

Ultimate Iceman (Bobby Drake)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Yorick Brown

Comic book characters in boxers 1

Robin (Tim Drake)

Robin (Tim Drake)

Robin (Tim Drake) and Kid Devil (Eddie Bloomberg)

Robin (Tim Drake)

Robin (Tim Drake)

Red Robin (Tim Drake) and Bunker (Miguel Jose Barragan)

Star-Lord (Peter Quill)

Nightwing (Dick Grayson)

Agent 37 (Dick Grayson)

Agent 37 (Dick Grayson)

Nightwing (Dick Grayson)

Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)

Cyclops (Scott Summers)

Superman (Clark Ken)

Monday, August 26, 2024


I haven't had a comment here since December of 2013. Now to be fair, I actually forgot this blog existed for many years. Oops. But still, I've been posting fairly regularly since January of 2023, and I haven't received a single comment. I'm lucky if I even get a few views. Some of my posts have never been viewed. It would be nice to get a little feedback once in a while. Just to know if people enjoy what I post, if they don't like something (be respectful though). Or even just to start a conversation about a topic. It gets a little lonely sometimes out in Blogger land. 

Attractive characters but are shit people

Sebastian Valmont

Jimmy Reardon

Silas Botwin
I also listed him in my favorites, but that's because he started off really shitty (like below, poking holes in a condom) but he got better as the series went on.

Albie Petersen
In the beginning. He also became much more likable as the series progressed.

Killmonger (Erik Stevens)
His comic counterpart is Erik Killmonger, but the MCU version is Erik Stevens

Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)

Jackson Whittmore

Zack Morris


John Tucker

Billy Marlin
Another one who got more likable later on



Edgar Evernever

Rafe Cameron

Topper Thornton

Favorite characters part 16 - last one

I could do this forever, listing characters I like. I realize that's what I'm staring to do now. Just characters I like rather than favorites. So I'll finish this with part 15 and then back to my regularly scheduled programming.


Carol Peletier
TV version - her comic counterpart was horrible

The opposite of Carol. Andre's tv version sucked, but the comic version was a badass.

Phil Coulson

Inigo Montoya

Corey Bryant

Jon Kent
I know him listed him before, but this version is completely different from the comic book version. They're the same character in name only, so I'm listing him again.

Henry Sutton

Ariel/Sprite/Shadowcat (Kitty/Kate Pryde)

Romeo (with Iceman)


Frosty the Snowman

James "Jim" Gordon

Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz

Elio Perlman

Zack Butterfield


The Rawhide Kid (John Barton Clay/Johnny Bart)